Yixuan Wang 汪怡暄

I am a Ph.D. student in Columbia University Computer Science Department. Before entering Columbia, I studied in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ph.D. program and earned B.S. from University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

I am working on the robotic manipulation under the supervision of Prof. Yunzhu Li. I was also lucky to work under the supervision of Prof. Katie Driggs-Campbell, Dr. Dale McConachie, Prof. Dmitry Berenson, and Prof. Audrey Sedal.

yixuan [at] cs [dot] columbia [dot] edu  /  GitHub  /  LinkedIn  /  X  /  GScholar

profile photo

[Nov. 2024] Gave a talk at UMich SLED Lab [link]!
[Sept. 2024] Transfer from UIUC to Columbia University!
[Sept. 2024] Three papers accepted to CoRL 2024!
[Apr. 2024] One paper accepted to RSS 2024!
[Feb. 2024] One paper accepted to ICRA 2024!
[Feb. 2024] Started my internship at Boston Dynamics AI Institute.
[Sept. 2023] One paper accepted to CoRL 2023!
[Apr. 2023] One paper accepted to RSS 2023!
[May 2022] Started my internship at Everyday Robots!


I'm interested in robotics, perception, manipulation and robot learning. Here are lists of research projects I have done.

GenDP: 3D Semantic Fields for Category-Level Generalizable Diffusion Policy
Yixuan Wang, Guang Yin, Binghao Huang, Tarik Kelestemur, Jiuguang Wang, Yunzhu Li
CoRL, 2024
website / paper / code / bibTex
3D-ViTac: Learning Fine-Grained Manipulation with Visuo-Tactile Sensing
Binghao Huang, Yixuan Wang, Xinyi Yang, Yiyue Luo, Yunzhu Li
CoRL, 2024
website / video / hardware guide / paper / bibTex
D3Fields: Dynamic 3D Descriptor Fields for Zero-Shot Generalizable Rearrangement
Yixuan Wang*, Mingtong Zhang*, Zhuoran Li*, Tarik Kelestemur, Katherine Driggs-Campbell, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei, Yunzhu Li
CoRL, 2024
Oral Presentation
website / paper / code / bibTex
Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models
Open X-Embodiment Collaboration
ICRA, 2024
Best Conference Paper Award
project / paper / blogpost / code / data / bibTex
RoboPack: Learning Tactile-Informed Dynamics Models for Dense Packing
Bo Ai*, Stephen Tian*, Haochen Shi, Yixuan Wang, Cheston Tan, Yunzhu Li, Jiajun Wu
RSS, 2024
website / paper / bibTex
Predicting Object Interactions with Behavior Primitives: An Application in Stowing Tasks
Haonan Chen, Yilong Niu*, Kaiwen Hong*, Shuijing Liu, Yixuan Wang, Yunzhu Li, and Katherine Driggs-Campbell
CoRL, 2023
Finalist - Best Paper/Best Student Paper Awards (Top 1%)
project & video / paper / code / bibTex
Dynamic-Resolution Model Learning for Object Pile Manipulation
Yixuan Wang*, Yunzhu Li*, Katherine Driggs-Campbell, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu
RSS, 2023
Best Paper Award at IROS 2023 Workshop on Learning Meets Model-based Methods for Manipulation and Grasping [Link]
website / paper / code / bibTex
Tracking Partially-Occluded Deformable Objects while Enforcing Geometric Constraints
Yixuan Wang, Dale McConachie, Dmitry Berenson
ICRA, 2021
paper / video / code / talk

During my spare time, I enjoy building some small tools for research and daily life. Here are some of them.

OpenAI TTS: A GUI to convert text to speech using OpenAI API

PyTorch MPC: A modular library for MPC implementation using PyTorch

Video Compressor: A script wrapping around ffmpeg to convert video and compress video to a target file size. It is handy and can keep video as clear as possible when submitting video material to conference.

Teaching & Service

Conference Reviewer: ICRA, IROS, AAAI, CVPR, CoRL

Journal Reviewer: Autonomous Robots, Robotics and Automation Letters

Teaching Assistant: Robot Learning, Senior Design Lab, Random Process @ UIUC. Honor Physics I, Honor Calculus II @ SJTU

Honor and Awards

Harriett & Robert Perry Fellowship, 04/2023.

Silver Medal for Capstone Design, 08/2021.

Shanghai Excellent Gradudate (Top 5%), 08/2021.

University Honors, 09/2019, 04/2020.

Dean's List, 12/2019.

Jackson and Muriel Lum Scholarship, 09/2019.

SJTU Undergraduate Excellent Scholarship (Top 10%), 08/2018, 08/2019.

Bronze Medal in University Physics Competition, 01/2019.

National Encouragement Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China, 09/2018.

The John Wu & Jane Sun Sunshine Scholarship, 09/2018.

SJTU Outstanding Student, 09/2018.

The Yu Liming Scholarship, 12/2017.


I learned Go when I was a kid, and I earned Go 3 dan (amateur).

I am a super fan of Cantonese pop songs and would like to learn speaking Cantonese.

Updated at October 2023. Thanks Jon Barron for this amazing template.